Date: 14 Mar 2022

How important is nurturing the right team?

Our team members are often the ones who are advocating our beliefs, standards, values, our strengths, and importantly they are implementing our processes every day.

Our team members are often the ones who are advocating our beliefs, standards, values, our strengths, and importantly they are implementing our processes every day.

So what do we really think about, when our thoughts and focus turns to selecting and mentoring our team members.

In business, our team members can make us or break us!
Our team can cost us dearly without our realisation and without measure. We often don’t understand the true cost of a poor team until its too late!

Equally, our team and team members can be the reason for our success!

So, I believe we often underestimate the impact our team has on the business’s and companies we interact with and there teams on us,
How important is it then to choose good team members?, and also how important is it to the success of your business to choose likeminded teams/companies/business’s to work with or “team up” with, when we are creating and choosing business to business relationships?

How do you create a great team and measure their success?

Here are some things to think about when working on your teams.

a team is a group of people, who are independent with respect to information, resources, knowledge, and skills and who seek to combine their efforts to achieve a common goal.
A great team should all play there “PART”, so they are aware and except that they are part of the team and not one of the parts think they are more important than another.
To play there “PART”, and to help the team become a great “TEAM” team members need to learn how to help one another. So they learn to help and encourage each other to realize there true individual potential and collectively create an environment that allows everyone to grow beyond their own limitations.

A team becomes great and more than just a collection of people when a strong sense of mutual commitment creates synergy, thus generating performance greater than the sum of the performance of its individual “PARTS”, or TEAM MEMBERS.

I believe that getting this right can create a successful culture and a happy working environment, just remember, it only takes one team member to bring your team down, so “CHOOSE WISELY” when putting your team together or selecting outside teams to work with.

Get this right though and watch success rain down on your team and your business.


CEO & Founder – Nickaz Australia